Middle School (Grades 4-8)
Middle school is a “between time”. Students at this age are becoming more independent, but still need personal guidance during this transition. Our Middle School program is designed to ensure that the middle school years are productive and enjoyable.
In most schools, the change from elementary school also means changing from a single classroom experience to multiple class changes and a variety of teachers. At Willow Bend Academy, students still have a single teacher, but instruction is given individually according to the student’s ability and interests. All students meet together daily for a short character building assembly.
Traditional schools employ the “industrial model” of teaching where all students in a given class are expected to learn the same concepts at the same rate. “Personalized instruction” is a popular and growing trend in schools today. Willow Bend Academy has practiced this model since its founding in 1998.
Students’ learning style and pace are as unique as are their fingerprints. Willow Bend Academy recognizes this fact and tailors each student’s curriculum to his/her unique needs, abilities and interests.
Teachers have a maximum of 8 students in their class and work individually with each of them.
The school day for middle school is four (4) hours daily from 8:15 a.m. until 12:15 p.m. For those families who need their children to have a longer school day, we offer “Homework Hangout” from 1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. During this time students may work on their assignments with guidance and supervision by a teacher in a safe, quite atmosphere. Lunches are not provided, but students may bring lunch and have access to microwaves.
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