Hunger Game
Willow Bend Academy students recently held its annual Hunger Game. Hunger Game is an annual activity of collecting food items for the North Texas Food Bank. Students bring canned goods, pasta, dried beans, and peanut butter to school. Then North Texas Food Bank sends a truck to our school to pick up our donations.
Exceeded our goal
Our original goal was 250 items. Our actual collection was over 5,000 items.
What happens next?
North Texas Food Bank makes food available for chronically hungry children, families, and seniors in need. Our items amounted to 4,721 pounds, which will provide access to 3,934 meals.
Willow Bend Academy is a school of less than 100 students. This amount of food is truly remarkable. Because of this, Dallas TV Channel 33 featured our school on their newscast.
See the broadcast here.
History of Giving
Willow Bend Academy was established in 1998 and adopted a policy of contributing to worthy causes. Therefore we have ALWAYS given significant amounts of funds and goods to worthy causes. We have supported many charitable causes over the years.
We believe a part of a student’s education is learning to give to others. For some, this is a novel idea, but has been fully embraced when students understand the concept.
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