Cutter is a professional actor who recently graduated from Willow Bend Academy and says it would have been an impossible task had he been a student at any other school in the area.
He travels often for filming engagements around the country. Willow Bend Academy offered him the flexibility of schedule and (as he said) “patience” to allow him to finish high school while at the same time pursuing his career in acting.
Flexible Scheduling
One of the unique features of Willow Bend Academy is that of flexible scheduling. Students with time-consuming interests such as Cutter do not have to sacrifice academic quality in order to pursue those interests. Willow Bend Academy has provided education for actors, dancers, race car drivers, olympic hopefuls and musicians who spend 5-6 hours daily in outside practice.
Values Curriculum
The curriculum and the faculty at Willow Bend Academy reinforce Christian values, although no student is required to be or become a Christian in order to participate in any and all of our activities. Our student body includes Christians, Buddhists, Jewish and Muslim students as well as those who profess no faith.
Only Family Movies
As a professional actor, Cutter’s specialty is “family movies” and TV shows. He commented that he has a nephew who already watches the shows that feature Cutter. He is very aware of the role model that he has become to his nephew. Additionally, he says he would never act in a movie or TV show where he would play the part of someone whose moral values do not coincide with his own.
We’re happy at Willow Bend Academy to have afforded him the opportunity. We look forward to seeing his name in “Coming to a theater in your neighborhood”.
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