Serving our Community
Serving our community is an important faced of a Willow Bend Academy education.
Tickey Tackey Education?
Willow Bend Academy abandoned tickey tackey education 20 years ago.
Video Tour of Willow Bend Academy
Willow Bend Academy is a fantastic little school that offers personal instruction by caring teachers.
What is “personalized education”?
Which of these photos show personalized education? Many school districts are offering what they call personalized education without a clear definition of its meaning. An article in Education Week includes the following statements from a veteran teacher in the Jefferson County school system in Kentucky. “This whole thing is coming from the tech industry, which doesn’t understand that what kids need is someone to love them and get excited about them. I’m not aware of any research that says sticking a child in front of a computer for hours on end does them any good.” We at Willow Bend Academy totally agree with the teacher from Kentucky. While we have a supply of computers for student use, the majority of teaching is “real person” to student by teachers who love and understand each of our students. The photo on the left does NOT show personalized education. While the tech companies market a variety of “individualized” curricula, without a teacher little learning takes place. Willow Bend Academy has provided true personalized, individual education for 20 years and our graduates have enjoyed great success. We love our students and the education we provide....
Read MoreHunger Game at Willow Bend Academy
Willow Bend Academy recently held its annual Hunger Game. Hunger Game is a drive to collect canned goods, pasta, dried beans and peanut butter for the North Texas Food Bank. The result was enough food to provide 3,934 meals to chronically hungry children, families and senior citizens in North Texas.
Willow Bend Academy is “Unique”.
Take a look at what we’re all about, and hear from both students and teachers alike.
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